Thursday, June 28, 2007

OECD Recommendations

Here is a new post, I came across on a plan agreed by the OECD on privacy enforcement co-operation between countries transferring personal data.

"The world's most developed economies will co-operate to uphold privacy laws in the face of increasing amounts of cross border data transfer. The member countries of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have agreed the plan. The new deal updates a 25 year old agreement on the upholding of privacy laws. A new deal was needed in order to guard against the privacy risks of the increasing amounts of personal data currently being sent from country to country. "The initiative is motivated by a recognition that changes in the character and volume of cross-border data flows have elevated privacy risks for individuals and highlighted the need for better co-operation among the authorities charged with providing them protection," said a statement from the OECD. The OECD recommendation outlines the ways in which member governments have agreed to help each other to protect privacy by increasing the amount of international cooperation on privacy laws. It also outlines how countries will assist one another in the enforcement of privacy laws."

Source: Out-law International effort on privacy protection is launched


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