Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Singapore to look at laws on privacy

I came across this latest press release about Singapore looking at laws to protect an individual's privacy. A report is expected by October this year, which will not only consider guidelines but also legislation in this area.

Information, Communications and The Arts Minister Lee Boon Yang admits that wider protection for personal information is definitely needed. Dr Lee told Parliament, "We also recognise the need to protect personal data and personal information and the possible misuse of personal information or even identity thefts. This is especially critical as infocomm technology can be misused and distributed with potentially adverse impact on the individuals concerned. MICA appreciates the need to take a wider perspective on data protection. We recognise that an effective data protection regime will be an important pillar to develop Singapore's position as a trusted IT hub."

It is certainly a step in the right direction. I am hoping to present a paper on Asian laws of privacy, so I would be interested to see what developments arise.

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